Monday, May 25, 2009

Are You Happy?

Hi Everyone,

Stop for 5 minutes and sit down with a nice cup of Joe and stare out the window.Get lost in the sun,clouds,rain,whatever the weather is and float back in your mind to one of the happiest moments in your life.Feel that moment.Live it over again.pretty awesome isn't it.
Now come back into the moment and after feeling that, ask yourself, "Am I Happy"?Be totally truthful with yourself...are you truly happy?Most days,we are too busy with life to even stop and reflect whether were happy or not.Are you travelling the path of least resistance?I would predict,especially with the worlds events and personal events that most of us are experiencing we all would welcome a happier life about now.
For all those who said "yes I'm happy"...great!For those who said "I'm not happy" I want your to try something.Write a list of things that bring you to your happiest state of being.List them and then look at them.Choose just one thing from that list that brings you this great joy and DO IT everyday.Put the list on the fridge and choose a new happy moment everyday.Take the time from your busy schedules and just decide today is the start of treating myself to something that will make life a happy place for me.Sound Dumb?
No,it's not dumb at all.We have forgotten about happiness.As adults we only smile 30 times a day...IF!Children smile over 400 times a day!!! Whats wrong with this picture?I know what your going to say.The stress,pressures worry etc.All excuses.If you have to go back and be a kid again...DO IT.The way you'll see life will change.You will regain a life of abundance.Abundance of love,relationships,energy,patience and surrender.Laugh my friends and make others laugh.The best medicine in the world.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Do You Feel Invisible?

Hi Everyone,

Do you work hard on your Facebook,Myspace or Twitter sites trying to make an impression?Whether your there to share,help add to someones life or working a business promo,we all feel many times that were invisible.Why is that? Let me share with you my bent on it.
Very few people have the ability to tap into the knowledge of mass interest.If you write about a hot topic you'll acquire the traffic that you are looking for and won't feel invisible.There are many search engines for your to locate the hottest topics of the day, week or month.Then set up a blog and start writing about what your thoughts feelings and emotions are about the topic and issues.if you give a different point of view than everyone else and make some common well thought out sense when you write and ad posts,then traffic will grow and they will return.
If you have Google AdSense then it is in your interest to highlight your point of view on these hot topics to get the clicks on your blog or site.Now I'm not saying this is a easy task.It's a lot of hard work doing research then giving your best effort to write your heart out.
I hope this helps you "get noticed".We all have good things to say.It's just finding the way for others to find you.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Part 2 Indoor Pollution...the Facts

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for reading part 1 of indoor pollution.This part 2.I hope this will enlighten everyone to make your house safe for you and your children.
Our homes should have a complete change of air 3 or 4 time a day. New homes are built so air tight that it is impossible to get a complete change of air. We should leave our windows open on each side of our house for better cross ventilation. In Alberta last year accidental poisoning statistics were as follows: Between the ages of:

0 - 4 years 5 - 10 years 11 -19 years 20 and over
11,515 poisonings 1,524 1, 019 7,799

Top three culprits - Household cleaners, bleach and medications. In the USA the #1 cause of accidental poisoning is Dawn Dish washing detergent WHY? Because it is the #1 seller. Tide contains Lye and is the #1 polluter and it is also the #1 seller. Deep Woods Off has an ingredient called DEET. DEET causes seizures in children and adults.
Inert (or inactive) ingredients in products are protected by trade secrets and very dangerous.In the work place Material Safety Data Sheets must accompany any product used. The work place and the outdoors are considered legal environments while the air in homes is not.The ideal rate of humidity is between 35% and 45%. Anything higher causes mold. When we use humidifiers or dehumidifiers with standing water we are encouraging mold growth with the standing water. The ideal temperature in the home is between 68 degrees and 72 degrees, anything higher makes chemicals more active.
When we shower, the hot water combined with the chlorine in the water, can cause major headaches. Using aerosols causes dizziness. Steam from our dryer vents is extremely toxic, because of the chemicals from dryer sheets and residue from laundry soap and bleach.Chemicals used to dry clean clothing are very dangerous and can cause cancer. When you bring dry cleaning home, you should hang it outside for at least 3 days. Dry-cleaning chemicals are the same cancer causing chemicals that are found in mothballs.
There are 4700 chemicals in tobacco smoke. Chemicals from carpets and plastic have been found to cause kidney and liver damage. More products that contain Formaldehyde :Antiperspirants Toothpaste Baggies Floor waxes Wax Paper Mouthwash Tupperware Permanent Press clothing Furniture polishes Money
Some symptoms caused by formaldehyde are: Allergies, cancer, immune system failings and asthma .
Products that contain Phenols :Mouthwash Baking Powder Computers TV Sets. Acne medications Wallpaper Sugar Substitutes .Some symptoms caused by phenols, which are absorbed by lungs, and skin are: (besides being possibly fatal) Caustic burns, kidney and liver damage and hyperactivity "Lysol" is even more dangerous than we thought.
Lysol contains phenols and dioxin (Agent Orange). Fungicides used on fruit trees in the Okanagan, BC and in south-western Ontario have been found to cause babies in both areas being born with no eyes or very tiny eyes.
When using Chlorine, antiseptics or bleach in industrial areas you are required to wear impervious protective clothing, hard hats, boots, gloves, apron or coveralls, chemical goggles or full face shield and use in well ventilated areas.
When using Easy Off make sure all your skin is covered, wear protective clothing, do not breath in and don't get on your enamel, (if this product will hurt the enamel on your stove, can you imagine what it will do to us.)
Air fresheners desensitize the nerves in your nose so you cannot smell.
1970 - NTA's were banned
1980 - Lobbying by Proctor & Gamble brought back the use of NTA's in our products. NTA's mean more suds - more suds mean less clean - more toxic danger!
Studies on the suds in toothpaste found the suds to be laundry soap.
Our immune system is very powerful, like a janitorial system Giving our bodies good nutrition means our body can repair itself and be able to handle what we face in the world.
Household chemicals cause all kinds of symptoms - from cardiovascular problems, panic attacks, anxiety attacks to bed wetting. Eliminating the cause of the environmental illness is more effective and much less expensive than treating the symptom. Prevention - 80% - 90% effective Treatments - 50% - 60% effective What seems to make the most sense?
There you have it.Reference material for this article : By Dr. Joyce M. Woods .
Dr. Joyce Woods worked as a medical/surgical nurse, public health nurse, nurse educator, nursing school administrator, occupational health consultant. She holds Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Arts (Specialist), Master of Education degrees, and has completed her doctoral degree in the area of “Indoor Air Pollution, and's effect on your health" .


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Indoor Pollution If this Doesn't Scare you...the Facts

Hi Everyone,

I hope this is and eye opener for lots of the readers that follow this blog.I'm going to talk about indoor pollution and the possible effects it could be having on you and your family.
Begin by thinking of your house as a toxic waste dump.The average home today contains 62 toxic chemicals.More than 72,000 synthetic chemicals have been produced since world war 2.less than 2% of synthetic chemicals have been tested for toxicity,mutagenic,carcinogenic or birth defects.I'm just touch the tip of the iceberg so far.Are you concerned at all,especially with little ones in the house?
The majority of chemicals have never been tested for long term effects.The EPA survey concluded that indoor air was 3 to 70 times more polluted than outdoor air.Another EPA study stated that the toxic chemicals in household cleaners are 3 times more likely to cause cancer than outdoor air.
CMHC reports that houses today are so energy efficient that "outgassing" of chemicals has no where to go, so it builds up inside the home.We spend 90% of our time indoor, and 65% of our time at home. Moms, infants and the elderly spend 90% of their time in the home.
National Cancer Association released results of a 15 year study concluding that women who work in the home are at a 54% higher risk of developing cancer than women who work outside the home. Cancer rates have almost doubled since 1960. Cancer is the Number ONE cause of death for children.There has been a 26% increase in breast cancer since 1982. Breast cancer is the Number ONE killer of women between the ages of 35 and 54. Primary suspects are laundry detergents, household cleaners and pesticides.
There has been a call from the U.S./ Canadian Commission to ban bleach in North America. Bleach is being linked to the rising rates of breast cancer in women, reproductive problems in men and learning and behavioral problems in children. Chemicals get into our body through inhalation, ingestion and absorption.We breathe 10 to 20 thousand liters of air per day.
There are more than 3 million poisonings every year. Household cleaners are the Number ONE cause of poisoning of children. Since 1980, asthma has increased by 600%. The Canadian Lung Association and Asthma Society of Canada identify common household cleaners and cosmetics as triggers. ADD/ADHD are epidemic in schools today. Behavioral problems have long been linked to exposure to toxic chemicals and molds. Use of Ritalin has skyrocketed since 1990. Chemical and environmental sensitivities are known to cause all types of headaches.
Labeling laws do not protect the consumer - they protect big business. The New York Poison Control Center reports that 85% of product warning labels were either inadequate or incorrect for identifying a poison, and for first aid instructions.
Formaldehyde, phenol, benzene, toluene, xylene are found in common household cleaners, cosmetics, beverages, fabrics and cigarette smoke. These chemicals are cancer causing and toxic to the immune system. Chemicals are attracted to, and stored in fatty tissue. The brain is a prime target for these destructive organics because of its high fat content and very rich blood supply.
The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health has found more than 2500 chemicals in cosmetics that are toxic, cause tumors, reproductive complications, biological mutations and skin and eye irritations. Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, circulatory disorders, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, and hormonal problems are diseases commonly related to chemical exposure.Pesticides only have to include active ingredients on the labels, even though the inert (inactive) ingredients may account for 99%, many of which are toxic and poisons.
Now if that's not an eye opener then I don't know what is.I will follow with part 2 of this post.If you would like to know how to be toxic free in your home and what products to use,email me at and I would be happy to provide the information.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Becoming a Medium

Hi Everyone,

I'm just about finished my ebook on becoming a medium or channel.As I have stated in previous posts, I feel strongly that everyone has the ability to tap into this infinite wealth of guidance and knowledge from your guides and angels.My method is simple but very effective and with practice can assist anyone in bringing this gift we all have to the surface.
Wouldn't it be great to be at home and go to that place through the methods I teach to greet your spirit guide or angel and ask questions about your path.I've been doing this for over 30 years and as some of my posts reveal.You can receive enlightenment to do with everything.Once your confident about your receiving you can also do so for others if they choose not to bring their gifts to the surface.
Not only will this method of bringing this gift to the surface, it will assist you with better health and wellness.You'll feel stronger that you have some interaction in your choices and as your receive your inner vibration assists your physical body in reaping the benefits of self healing.Keep visiting my blog for further updates.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Would YOU Like to be a Medium?

Hi Everyone,

I spend a lot of time on the computer daily and being in the field of spiritual ways to receive guidance,it got me thinking, how many people would like to be a medium?A channel of sorts so they could receive direct guidance from their guides for starters.I can remember when I started with different modalities to facilitate my receiving gifts,I use to put myself through so many hoops to get to the altered state to connect with my guides and spirit groups so I could start a conversation and be enlightened about life issues I was curious about.I learnt to trim these with guidance of course and achieve my altered state relatively quickly when needed.
When I gave talks and group readings through altered states,many of the guests would come to me and ask if they could do what I do.Many were under the impression that it was very specialized for the really gifted soul.Looking back,it would seem a pretty daunting task for anyone not familiar with an array of techniques to attempt themselves to receive and then feel confident that they were actually connecting with their guides or some other entity from the other side.
I am a believer that we are all created equal including everyone having the gift to connect with their guides,guardian angels and the like.Many have taken courses to enhance their intuition,which is a form of receiving.I have decided to put together a step by step guide to becoming a channel so everyone who wants to tap into that infinite domain of knowledge and guidance,can do so for themselves.
I feel it's very important for everyone to at least connect with their guides.These are entities that are from our spirit family not our blood family although some can be from a present earth family or another lifetime.This will help you with a sense of who you are and you can receive answers to all those questions you only thought about.I will teach you how to reach an Alpha state which is needed to be effective and even a further deepening state to heal and connect with groups that have aligned themselves with you.
Please keep connecting with my blog here for further updates with this project.Comments are welcomed.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

A GREAT Wellness Company

Hi Everyone,

If you have been following this blog,you know that I have praised and promoted a wellness company because their over 400 products resonate vibrationally to the frequencies of everyone's inner light and wellness.You know that I've been a channel for over 30 years and this is one area I can relate to.
I went this morning to a product launch because this great wellness company was adding to their 400+ products.Agreements prevent me from naming this company in my blog so when you want to reach me to ask some further questions,and know everything there is to know to help you be informed who I'm ranting about, you can reach me at There were about 500 people to the launch this morning and it was quite exiting.
I've been involved with many MLM's and binary set ups etc and all have failed terribly.The disappointment came from investing in product or courses then being stuck with this product with almost no chance to return to get a refund when plans fell through.One thing about this wonderful company, they have set it up to make sure ANYONE enrolling has ZERO risk!"Whats that you say?" That's correct.Everything has a 100% satisfaction guarantee including the kit cost to get started.
The goal of the marketing executives (thats everyone that's enrolled) is primarily to get you to change stores where you shop.That means NO NEW MONEY because your only replacing what you buy everyday, week, month from their," direct from the manufacturer operation' and how would you like to save additioanlly 30-40% on the products you buy already?.This company was "Green" (20 years) even before this word started to become fashionable to promote it.Their products are environmentally safe and concentrated so you contribute less plastic to the dumps.Their products are superior to any commercial products you purchase in major stores like the big box stores and grocery stores and they work better than all the commercial products that use bleach and phosphates and a host of other chemicals which you will never find the likes of in any of their products.
If you think for 1 second this sounds like any other business you've tried,your so mistaken.I've been around a long time and have spent countless hours trying to create residual income streams and all of them have taken time and money from me and delivered nothing that they said they would.This wellness company is not asking for anything but to try their products and if you want to also have a solid no risk business...THIS IS IT! For any reason,your not impressed,you can send it all back.NO RISK...and a great commission and incentive program that stands alone in this world.
Enough with me talking.Make this opportunity for a solid,no risk business your PLAN B if you think you may get laid off work in this recession .If your already laid off,or would like some extra income,what are you waiting for.Email me.Let me share with you some GOOD news in this depressed economy.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

We Teach Best What We Most Need To Learn

Hi Everyone,

Does the heading confuse you?Intimidate you?It did me when I first was introduced to this saying.I had been picking up momentum doing talks as a medium for my spirit groups and it started to intensify.The groups were getting much larger to hear their words but it started to seem that everyone had the same questions but presenting them in a different way.So the questions were answered and the enlightenment shed upon those attending including myself.
When I heard that expression I went through a state of "oh really"...LoL.Not the humblest response at the time.I didn't really understand it until many years later.I coined a phrase or I think I coined it,about "people having an inflated sense of self worth".Not realizing it,this really applied to me.Here I thought I was helping so many people with enlightenment and guidance through my spirit guides and all I was doing was feeding my lower forces to make me think I was such a good soul to do this.So there I was on my platform with this inflated sense of self worth not understanding that it was I who needed the understanding to become a better person.The lower forces were making sure I was busy in thought so I wouldn't have the time to reflect on self and maybe see my actions.
As time went forward,I found myself not enjoying the people,their responses and the whole business.I wasn't as enthused about the next day and I found I started to be impatient with the whole process.It came to a point that when I did the sessions,people would be exited and happy and couldn't shower enough praise and love on me but the following day or 2 after there session,they would lash out at me as if I had resurrected some monster in their life.I let their reactions get to me and felt responsible for their grief.I knew what had happened.I had always said to everyone before hand that this session wasn't just a pretend little tea party and we play make believe.Everyone was warned to be careful what the asked and how they asked it and that the responses were real and would have a profound effect upon them.Some took heed but most laughed it off.It was them that responded the harshest.What was revealed to them, shook their inners and what they ignored in their lives that was pushed in a closet, had now surfaced.The acknowledgement that they had to look at themselves and see that which they didn't want to see was too much for many of them.Their accusations that I was wrong,or my guides were wrong or I didn't know what I was saying was their defence mechanism to deflect the brunt of what they saw in the mirror.The responses they heard were the truths, that's why they responded with anger,delivered to me, the messenger.
I beat myself up pretty badly, internally asking if if I had done something wrong to these people.I received I did not.It was the truth that they had to look in the eye,or at the present time anyway.I stepped back and took some time off...lots of time.I only helped those who I felt had truly crossed my path and had been guided to do that.Time and age tends to put a different perspective on life and I see now that I needed to see that my purpose was to use my gift to share with those who had a hurt,a burden,a guilt and a need to feel love and wanted in this world.
I realized I had been the medium that my spirit groups came through but I had been the human that hadn't acted in the eyes as I myself see God.I was not unconditional,loving,caring,sincere.If I had been in tune with those in my contact and had learnt my lessons I would not have been lifeless and hiding behind the "inflated sense of self importance".I was hiding and using my gifts as the scapegoat and not taking responsibility for the words from my spirit guides.I should have been more compassionate and understanding to how the person across from me was feeling and take whatever time it took to explain further and comfort them.Then reassure that to know ones self was a good thing and great growth would come from it...but I responded with "I only relay the words...I am the channel".How sad that I now knew what I had done.
I now pick up where I left off years ago.Yes, with an enlightenment that what we all experience in our lifetimes decide who we are and how we share and respond.Old soul,new doesn't matter.It matters who is standing in front of us.No one is better than anyone else.Remember to embrace everyone who crosses your path with the same caring and unconditional love that you can. You will then see that all roads come back to you no matter what you are best at teaching.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I Was Reminded of a Story Today

Hi Everyone,

I had the pleasure of talking to someone today that reminded me of a story.I can't remember for the life of me if this was a received story or from someone that I heard it from so I will differ to the last scenario.
I hear this repeatedly,especially in the stressed up, pumped up world we live in today that "life has dealt them too much to handle".I'm sure that anyone who has been effected by the economy by a job layoff or your retirement funds lost in the market etc. would about be at their wits end,struggling to handle the unexpected losses.Choices,hard choices have to be made for self and for the family.
You've all heard that "God never gives you something you can't handle" and another one is "Whatever God has taken from you,you will receive something better in return."This state of "life" right now most in the world are experiencing,brings many different lessons to us.As we have talked about this before,prior to our existence,we have sat with highly evolved advisers and had our present life mapped out for us prior to coming into our present form, filled with lessons and karmic debt to pay back.If everything is flowing in our life and the world,we wouldn't recognize our lessons.In times of chaos,we pay attention!
Whatever we have to handle right now is the exact timing that was agreed by ourselves to participate in.We created it!If we acknowledge this,does it make it any easier to handle?No it doesn't.It does however signal something within us to step up our game.How did we get here.Not just you...or you...or you.I mean how did we get here as a whole? We "LET GO LET GOD"! Through the boom years,we didn't hesitate to buy a bigger house than we needed because money was flowing in like no tomorrow.We had no worries about loosing our jobs,or our nest eggs because we thought we all had competent bankers,brokers and investors looking after us and the gravy train would run forever.Did we all forget the saying "if it sounds to good to be true it probably is"?The gravy train kept rolling and we kept spending and charging and building our debt,not our retirement funds.In hind sight,if we knew then what would happen now,would we have acted in the same manner?Probably not.If we had not indulged in the luxuries of life as the boom years demanded,would the economy be where it's at?Probably not.So whats my point?
My story is the point I'm going to share now.Picture your divine presence in your culture (mine I call God) holding a pitcher full of wine.We are the wine glasses.God watches over all of us with a pitcher of wine and waits for the level of our glasses to drop."There's one" and God returns the level of our wine glass to a full level again.What just happened?The wine represents new experiences for us to participate in to learn our lessons.How did it drop in the first place?It dropped because we "LET GO" of something we could let go of now.That something was a lesson learnt leaving room now for something new.Sometimes we volunteer to let go of what we have but most times we are reluctant to let go because we have worked hard to get that or this or saved and scrapped to afford that new car or bigger house.So God must create chaos and crisis so we are forced to let go so he can now give us our next lessons.
Yes he's smiling as we act like someone not wanting to go to school but we are made to go kicking and screaming all the way because we also know we need to go.Now whats the message here.I'm going to type this in caps and bold."EVERYTHING,THAT HAS BEEN LOST IS MATERIAL IN NATURE"
The true kicker though is how we chose to handle the crisis.This is where the "LESSONS"are. It takes the same amount of energy to be sad or happy,smile or frown,hate or love.Whatever we lost we didn't have it before we got it and we most certainly can get it back because they are just material things.If we knew ahead of time this period in history would come and effect us so greatly,would it ease our reactions?Probably...that's just human nature.So what can we do about our present?SMILE and remember that God doesn't take something from us without giving us something better in return.The fact that you worked so hard or accomplished so much before it was taken, still doesn't and shouldn't take the pride you have for your achievements.If your in a situation that's looks like there's no answer's,surrender and let the answer come to you and remember one thing,you not in this alone!Everyone around you are our brothers and sisters.Someone will step up and hold you,guide you and help you until you see why God has taken what he took from you and then you will see clearly what you new path is and I know that you WILL be smiling as you get your gold star for learning your lesson.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Are you the Master or the Servant?

Hi Everyone,

I'm sure most of us have heard the expression "are YOU sitting on the chair...or is the CHAIR sitting on you"?It is a classic statement of good versus evil,lower forces versus the spirit.I was enlightened very early about lower forces from my groups and rightly so.It seems everything revolves and evolves around the battle of lower forces and spirit.Just to enlighten those who may not have a complete understanding of what I said above,when YOU are sitting on the implies you have mastery over your life and you are in control of everyday life events.When the CHAIR is sitting on you it implies that the lower forces have mastery over your life and you are the servant to daily life events.Lets talk a bit about the lower forces.
Do you remember in the older movies,the classics, when a character had a moral decision to make and on his/her right shoulder was an angel talking into his/her ear and on the left shoulder the devil would be talking in his/her left ear.The classic push/pull.In real life that's exactly what goes on with the lower forces and spirit.To give a simple example of a lower force,it is something that tries to control you.There is no balance and actions are erratic.When your lower forces are controlling the show,it becomes the path of most resistance.When your come from spirit then you walk a path of least resistance and everything flows.That is one way to know where you're at with the battle of lower forces versus spirit.The lower forces don't want a healthy and spiritual you and they certainly don't want to take the back seat with life decisions and lose control of their domain.They want chaos and plenty of it.A path of most resistance filled with turmoil and grief.In death, it is documented that every organ fights to remain alive(all have a lower force) and yet the spirit is ready and peaceful and accepts the passing.
Whatever life decision confronts us, one should ask "what is in our best interests". I hear you already saying..."how do we know whats best for us"? I'm going to share with you that your first thought that enters your head and heart is answered by your spirit.That inner light that fills us and is the great decider of moral and good decisions through our life in this world.It may only take a split second to happen.You're on a diet and see a cake and your response is."I shouldn't have that cake"!In the next couple of seconds your lower forces say "it's alright,one little piece won't hurt you"! This happens so many times everyday.When we feel strongly about a number in a lottery or horse race and change our mind,it's almost assured that if you had stuck with your first impression (receiving) you would have won with that number.You meet someone and the first few seconds you receive "this guy/gal is bad news" but in the next breath the lower forces remind you that "your lonely and what harm could it do to go out just once".We've all been there and done that and one date turns into 2 etc until months or years have gone by and your looking across the table wondering why your with that person.
That first split second thought is actually receiving from your guides or angels that have aligned themselves with you.You can use your guides to share with you anything you want to know about...if your willing to listen and accept what the answer is.You will however be challenged by your lower forces immediately.Any thought you have as your sitting,daydreaming or writing and you get an answer right away is receiving if it all happens in a split second of the thought.It can help and guide you with all life's mysteries and questions about self.All you need to do is believe you are receiving,surrender and follow the guidance.Remember...keep a quick eye what may be lurking in the dark corners of your mind because it's not in the best interests of your lower forces to have you follow spirit which is full of light,love and Godliness.


Monday, May 4, 2009

To be a Channel of Guides,Angels and Spirit Groups

Hi Everyone,

I want to thank everyone visiting my blog.Being a channel for 30+ years I have experienced so much enlightenment and love from the spirit world.I remember the most common question was how did I know who I channeled was loving,good and Godly in nature?Basically if your good natured in the flesh then it is a reflection of your inner light.
We carry so much with us from lifetime to lifetime and I know when I mention this there are those of the belief that there is no such thing as reincarnation.I respect your opinions and beliefs but I for one believe in it strongly.I believe that we bring that which is good in us from lifetime to lifetime.Our Karmic lessons help us to deal with acts of negativity we created in a previous life.
Our destiny...oh there's another word that gets a reaction and debate every time it's mentioned, cannot be changed.I've always received that destiny are our points in life that are credited in shaping us and helping us to grow our spirit.We can't avoid that which we agreed upon prior to the existence but we do have FREE WILL on how we get from point A to point B.Some make choices to sit at point A and never move on and others move through their points of destiny very quickly experiencing lessons to brighten their light and knowledge within. The key though is we have the choice of free will whether we move or not move forward in this lifetime.
I did astrology for a while and I learnt that events during our life tell the story on the chart and events can be forseen on the chart before they happen but not how they happen.In life whether we have followed our path or not we cannot escape the Saturn return.Known as the task master,it will certainly make you aware whether you have followed that which you have agreed prior to the existence.At these times you can feel depressed and confused and question whats it all about.When I did readings and had people in there mid 50's sit and tell me they had paid there house off, put their kids through collage and had no debt etc and then share how empty they felt and all that they did hadn't brought them happiness and fulfillment in life, I knew that they were experiencing their Saturn return.So what does all this mean that I'm saying?
The point to all this is life isn't hard at all...we make life hard.Instead of the path of least resistance we grate life and take the path of most resistance.We hardly follow what we have agreed upon but never hesitate to follow the words from those that THINK they know whats best for us.So many many forks.
Keep checking back as I will post events and receiving that will stir your inner and raise thoughts and feelings long buried or shoved in a closet.To give a preview of whats coming,I know that we all have "The Gift" to channel and receive from our guides and souls that have chosen to align themselves with us.I have the gift to channel but I am not an exception but what God meant to be the norm. For everyone that's interested, I'm preparing something that will help you do just that...bring your GIFT to the surface and meet your guides and loved ones from the other side.No one has ever been alone and now you'll have that chance to see for yourselves instead of taking the word from someone else.


Saturday, May 2, 2009


Hi Everyone,

When was the last time someone approached you and said "change where you shop and save 30-40% even 50% and get environmentally safe, superior products as a replacement?"Probably not in a while.For all those who have never been approached,thank you for allowing me in opening a door to better health and wellness for you!
With over 400 products to choose from,you achieve a piece of mind knowing that the 62 toxic chemicals on average in every ones home,has been replaced with non toxic and environmentally safe products superior to all the brand names you buy where you shop.
On top of that,how would you like to get cash back on top of your savings just for shopping here?How about a recurring income as you share the good word with your family and friends?Just send me (David) an email to with Wellness in the subject line then leave me your name and phone number and I will call you and arrange the most convenient time for us to have a chat about this wonderful company and their products.
How about this also,all the products are 100% guaranteed which means you don't like them,then return them no questions asked.I look forward in helping you on your path of wellness for body mind and spirit!

David aka spiritfriends

Friday, May 1, 2009

Patented Nutrition BAR that turns FAT into Fuel

Hi Everyone,

Yes you read the title correctly.The company I enrolled with has over 400 products,on the fortune 500,no debt and a very lucrative package for those looking for residual income.You never sell anything or handle money.
I wanted to share this one product for knowledge because we all seem to fight with our weight constantly but here's a way to benefit from exercise or just activity if your looking to burn fat for fuel and lose some weight.
I cannot name the product or the company on my blog but I can detail to you how this works.If your interested in learning more about it then send an email to with Wellness in the subject line and include your name and phone number and I will gladly give you a call and give you the info you need to purchase the bar and any of the other 400 wellness and environmentally safe products.
This bar is the FIRST and only patented FAT conversion activity bar around for enhanced workouts and to reduce body fat.During exercise,you create adenosine - a natural by-product that can slow fat burning and eventually halt sustained activity.Adenosine promotes lactic acid buildup causing fatigue and muscle stiffness.
The ingredients in this bar naturally block the energy sapping effects of adenosine so muscles use less sugar and more stored fat for energy.This helps to give you greater endurance with less fatigue and in turn processes fat into fuel, working differently than any other energy bars.
I hope to hear from all Twitters that exercise or really active or those wanting to lose weight.
