Hi Everyone,Thank you for reading part 1 of indoor pollution.This part 2.I hope this will enlighten everyone to make your house safe for you and your children.Our homes should have a complete change of air 3 or 4 time a day. New homes are built so air tight that it is impossible to get a complete change of air. We should leave our windows open on each side of our house for better cross ventilation. In Alberta last year accidental poisoning statistics were as follows: Between the ages of:0 - 4 years 5 - 10 years 11 -19 years 20 and over
11,515 poisonings 1,524 1, 019 7,799
Top three culprits - Household cleaners, bleach and medications. In the USA the #1 cause of accidental poisoning is Dawn
Dish washing detergent WHY? Because it is the #1 seller. Tide contains Lye and is the #1 polluter and it is also the #1 seller. Deep Woods Off has an ingredient called
DEET causes seizures in children and adults.
Inert (or inactive) ingredients in products are protected by trade secrets and very dangerous.In the work place Material Safety Data Sheets must accompany any product used. The work place and the outdoors are considered legal environments while the air in homes is not.The ideal rate of humidity is between 35% and 45%. Anything higher causes mold. When we use humidifiers or dehumidifiers with standing water we are encouraging mold growth with the standing water. The ideal temperature in the home is between 68 degrees and 72 degrees, anything higher makes chemicals more active.
When we shower, the hot water combined with the chlorine in the water, can cause major headaches. Using aerosols causes dizziness. Steam from our dryer vents is extremely toxic, because of the chemicals from dryer sheets and residue from laundry soap and bleach.Chemicals used to dry clean clothing are very dangerous and can cause cancer. When you bring dry cleaning home, you should hang it outside for at least 3 days. Dry-cleaning chemicals are the same cancer causing chemicals that are found in mothballs.
There are 4700 chemicals in tobacco smoke. Chemicals from carpets and plastic have been found to cause kidney and liver damage. More products that contain Formaldehyde :Antiperspirants Toothpaste Baggies Floor waxes Wax Paper Mouthwash Tupperware Permanent Press clothing Furniture polishes Money
Some symptoms caused by formaldehyde are: Allergies, cancer, immune system failings and asthma .
Products that contain Phenols :Mouthwash Baking Powder Computers TV Sets. Acne medications Wallpaper Sugar Substitutes .Some symptoms caused by phenols, which are absorbed by lungs, and skin are: (besides being possibly fatal) Caustic burns, kidney and liver damage and hyperactivity "Lysol" is even more dangerous than we thought.
Lysol contains phenols and dioxin (Agent Orange). Fungicides used on fruit trees in the
Okanagan, BC and in south-western Ontario have been found to cause babies in both areas being born with no eyes or very tiny eyes.
When using Chlorine, antiseptics or bleach in industrial areas you are required to wear impervious protective clothing, hard hats, boots, gloves, apron or coveralls, chemical goggles or
full face shield and use in well ventilated areas.
When using Easy Off make sure all your skin is covered, wear protective clothing, do not breath in and don't get on your enamel, (if this product will hurt the enamel on your stove, can you imagine what it will do to us.)
Air fresheners desensitize the nerves in your nose so you cannot smell.
1970 -
NTA's were banned
1980 - Lobbying by Proctor & Gamble brought back the use of
NTA's in our products.
NTA's mean more suds - more suds mean less clean - more toxic danger!
Studies on the suds in toothpaste found the suds to be laundry soap.
Our immune system is very powerful, like a janitorial system Giving our bodies good nutrition means our body can repair itself and be able to handle what we face in the world.
Household chemicals cause all kinds of symptoms - from cardiovascular problems, panic attacks, anxiety attacks to
bed wetting. Eliminating the cause of the environmental illness is more effective and much less expensive than treating the symptom. Prevention - 80% - 90% effective Treatments - 50% - 60% effective What seems to make the most sense?
There you have it.Reference material for this article : By Dr. Joyce M. Woods .
Dr. Joyce Woods worked as a medical/surgical nurse, public health nurse, nurse educator, nursing school administrator, occupational health consultant. She holds Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Arts (Specialist), Master of Education degrees, and has completed her doctoral degree in the area of “Indoor Air Pollution, and ...it's effect on your health" .